The nation state
and the Westphalian system of state reigns supreme and there can be no
challenge to it. The floundering and the potential break up of project Europe is testimony to this. The so called widening and
deepening of the Union ultimately became its Achilles’ heel and it was the
fallout from the economic travails of Ireland,
Portugal, Spain-the laggards- and then finally Greece that catalyzed the
current structural crisis. While the potential fall out of the break up will
have significant ramifications on the global economy, the break up may in the
scheme of things be good. It will be good for the world and for Europe as well. The world may heave a sigh of relief
given that the European behemoth was a mere political pygmy politically. It
could neither come up with a coherent foreign policy posture (this was inherent
to it) nor could contribute in any meaningful way to world order and politics.(Doling
out aid to Africans , in no way, can be said to constitute meaningful
contributions. It merely added to the structural morass that is Africa and sated the so called post modern European guilt
over colonialism).
It was, to belabor
the point, the political entrepreneurship of the visionary Jean Monnet and
other political entrepreneurs that sought to transcend the nation state
paradigm and the attendant balance of power politics and create a union of
states from the ashes of war. These visionaries tied the major states of Europe into an economic gridlock. The creation of the
European Steel and Coal Community was the precursor to a broader and wider
union. The premise was economic and the politics of the union rested on hope. This, in retrospect, could be held to be the
fatal flaw in the design, form and shape of Europe .
This project was then presented to a war
weary peoples who did not see the real implications and consequences of the
union. Overlaying this was the Cold War and the vigorous support for the Union
by the United States .
(This critical support has been met with ingratitude in Europe
where gratuitous anti Americanism runs rife). Once the existential threat of
the Cold War was out of the picture and US support for the Union
mellowed, problems began to emerge. This condition was complemented by the
‘widening’ and deepening’ of the Union wherein ‘wannabe European’s’-Eastern
Europeans and the Mediterranean countries- were incorporated into the Union . This unsustainable expansion along with the
democratic deficit wherein the European Union was ruled by a distant
bureaucracy, the European Commission and its unelected technocrats brought the
artificiality of the Union to the fore. The
economic travails and problems engendered by the laggards-Spain , Portugal ,
Ireland and Greece- may, in
the long duree scheme of things, be said to be mere corollaries.
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